Positive Pregnancy Test
You do not need to see the GP if you have had a positive home pregnancy test; you can instead arrange your care directly with the hospital midwives. Do this as early as possible.
How to choose a hospital for your care
Geographical location is major consideration. You will likely make several visits to the hospital during the pregnancy and may have to get there during labour.
Word-of-mouth. Ask friends or relatives for their recommendations.
League tables are published on a website called mynhs at MyNHS
Fill in an appliction form online at one of the following local hospitals
What now?
Your first appointment with the midwife will usually be about 10-15 weeks after the date of your last period. The first scan and blood tests may be about 2 weeks later.
Stay well. Drink plenty and get more rest if you feel tired. You can carry on most normal activities and sports that you are used to doing, but don’t take up anything new yet.
Take a pregnancy vitamin supplement. This is essential in the first 12 weeks and recommended thereafter. Check with the pharmacist before purchasing anything not specifically labelled for pregnancy.
Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly and do not eat raw or undercooked animal products. Avoid ripened soft cheese and unpasteurised dairy products. Avoid liver in any form. Eat no more than 2 portions of seafood per week.
When should I seek help?
If you have persistent pelvic pain or bleeding you should seek help.
Contact the Early Pregnancy Unit of your chosen hospital for advice where possible.
If you suffer from long term health conditions or take regular necessary medication, speak to your GP over the phone or in person about this.
Recommended Reading
Pregnancy causes many body changes which may raise a lot of questions. The answers to most can be found in What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff.